Norman Rockwell Advertising Art
Complete List - 1935 Through 1939
Norman Rockwell advertising artwork was published hundreds of times over the years.
The companies who utilized Rockwell's artwork are legion. Schenley was the major Rockwell advertiser of this period, both in number of works commissioned and works published.
Norman Rockwell's prowess at touching his viewer's emotions was prized not only by magazine art editors, but also by advertisers.
Rockwell's advertising career started in 1914 with a Heinz ad in the Boy Scout Handbook and ended 64 years later in 1976 with Lancaster Turkeys. There may be later published advertising art, but I have been unable to find any.
Scan the list and see how many you recognize.
Want more Rockwell advertisements?
The list of Norman Rockwell advertising art covers several pages.
The list has been split into parts based on the year the Norman Rockwell advertisement was published. The reason is for better organization and better readability.
Please see the Norman Rockwell advertisement artwork on the following pages.
Advertising Overview and 1914 - 1919 Rockwell advertisements,
1920 - 1924 Norman Rockwell advertising art,
1925 - 1929 Norman Rockwell advertising art,
1930 - 1934 Rockwell advertising art,
1935 - 1939 Rockwell advertising art,
1940 - 1944 Rockwell advertising art,
1945 - 1949 Rockwell advertising art,
1950 - 1954 Rockwell advertising art,
1955 - 1959 Rockwell advertising art,
1960 - 1964 Rockwell advertising art,
1965 - 1976 Rockwell advertising art
Feel free to look around.
Norman Rockwell's Advertising Artwork
Each clickable link will connect you to the page dedicated to that particular Norman Rockwell illustration. Each page features a scan and commentary. Enjoy.
1935 Norman Rockwell Advertisements
February | Better Homes & Gardens | |
April 6 | Saturday Evening Post | Campbell's Tomato Juice |
May 4 | Collier's | |
June | Esquire | Interwoven Stockings | Father's Day (The Licking)
June 15 | Saturday Evening Post | Interwoven Stockings | Father's Day (The Licking)
September 28 | Saturday Evening Post | |
December 28 | Saturday Evening Post | |
1936 Norman Rockwell Advertisements
June | American | |
November 8 | Time | |
November 14 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries |
December 7 | Time | |
December 12 | Collier's | |
December 12 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries | 'How Keen Are Your Eyes and Lips?' (Portrait of a Man)
December 26 | Saturday Evening Post | A Christmas Carol (Lionel Barrymore as Scrooge)
1937 Norman Rockwell Advertisements
January 5 | Collier's | |
January 9 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You Eyes That Dream of the Good Old Days?'
(Portrait of a Man with White Hair)
January 16 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries |
January 16 | New Yorker | |
February 22 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Are Your Lips as Keen as the Colonel's?' (Southern
February 13 | Collier's | |
February 22 | Life | |
March 8 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You Enthusiastic Eyes? (Man with Soda Gun)
March 13 | Collier's | |
March 15 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You Eyes That Dream of the Good Old Days?'
(Portrait of a Man with White Hair)
March 22 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You Lips That Make Good Resolutions?' (Portrait of
a Man Smiling)
March 27 | Country Gentleman | Calumet Baking Powder |
April 3 | Liberty | Schenleys Cream of Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey (portrait of Frank Buck)
April 10 | Collier's | |
April 10 | Liberty | Beech-Nut Gum and Candy |
April 12 | Life | Beech-Nut Gum and Candy | Worth Stopping For!
April 19 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Are You a Type With Imagination?' (Portrait of a Man)
April 24 | Saturday Evening Post | |
May | Cosmopolitan | Beech Nut Company | Worth Stopping For (Policeman with Beech Nut Girl)
May | Esquire | Beech Nut Company | Worth Stopping For (Policeman with Beech Nut Girl)
May | Red Book | Beech Nut Company | Worth Stopping For (Policeman with Beech Nut Girl)
May 8 | Collier's | |
May 15 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You Detective Eyes?' (Portrait of Man with
May 17 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You Eyes That Recognize News?' (Portrait of a News
June | American | |
June | Esquire | Beech Nut Company | Worth Stopping For (Policeman with Beech Nut Girl)
June | Ladies Home Journal | |
June 14 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You Knowing Eyes?' (Man with Top Hat and
July 2 | Life | Movie: Along Came James (Portrait of Gary Cooper)
July 12 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Are You the Enthusiastic Type?' (Portrait of Man with
Mustache in Profile)
August 9 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Are Your Lips as Keen as the Colonel's?' (Southern
August 30 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Do Your Lips Tell the World You Are Hard to Convince?'
(Portrait of a Man)
September 11 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | Have you "the Thinkers's" eyes?
October 4 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You an Eye for Good Business?' (Young Man Looking
Left, Angular Features)
October 9 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You the Thinker's Eyes?' 'Are You the
Thoughtful Type?' (Man Resting Chin on Fist)
October 23 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You the Earmarks of a
Wonderful Host?' (Portrait of Man in White Tie)
November | Reader's Digest | Reader's Digest | World of Charles Dickens
November 1 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You Eyes Like Frank Bucks? Seeking
Happy Adventure?' (Portrait of Frank Buck in Safari Gear)
November 6 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You Eyes Like Frank Bucks? Seeking
Happy Adventure?' (Portrait of Frank Buck in Safari Gear)
November 8 | Life | |
November 20 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You Eyes Like Frank Bucks? Seeking
Happy Adventure?' (Portrait of Frank Buck in Safari Gear)
November 22 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You the Eyes of a Great Entertainer?' (Portrait
of James Barton)
December 4 | Collier's | |
December 13 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Are You the Artistic Type?' (Portrait of Dean
December 18 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries |
December 27 | Life | Schenley Distilleries | 'Are Your Ears Sensitive to Applause?' (Portrait of
Jack Buchanan)
1938 Norman Rockwell Advertisements
January 22 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries |
February 5 | Collier's | |
February 19 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries | 'Are Your Ears Sensitive to Applause?' (Portrait
of Jack Buchanan)
February 19 | The Motion Picture Herald | Movie: The Adventures of Marco Polo (Gary Cooper as Marco
March 5 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You the Eyes of One Who Knows How to Make a
Hit?' (Portrait of Harold Arlen)
March 19 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You the Eyes of One Who Knows How to Make a
Hit?' (Portrait of Harold Arlen)
April 2 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'How Much Talent Can Be Read in Your Face?'
(Portrait of Watson Barratt)
April 9 | Saturday Evening Post | Green Giant | ...And Then Ma, or Grandma Brought 'Em In (Country
Boy Eating Corn)
April 18 | Liberty | |
April 30 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'Has Your Face These Marks of Merit?' (Portrait of
Glenn Anders)
May 14 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries |
June 25 | Collier's | |
August | Woman's Home Companion | Quaker Oats | That Million Dollar Boy of Yours
October 15 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'If You Have a Weather Eye for Real Pleasure...'
(Portrait of Skipper)
December 1 | MacLean's | Parker Pens
December 24 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You These Features...?' (Man Writing Up
Christmas List)
1939 Norman Rockwell Advertisements
January 28 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries (Cream of Kentucky Bourbon)
| 'If You're This Type, Flash the Man Behind the
Counter.' (Head of Telegraph Operator)
February 25 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries |
If You're This Type, Note the Popular Request for Kentucky's Double-Rich Straight Bourbon (Drum Major) |
March 18 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'A Good Catch Phrase to Use...' (Man Weighing Brook
April 22 | Collier's | |
May | Ladies Home Journal | |
May 20 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You These Features...?' (Portrait of Man Eating
June 3 | Liberty | |
June 10 | Liberty | |
June 17 | Collier's | General Motors | 'Just a Minute, Young Feller... I'll Figure the Finance Costs
June 17 | Saturday Evening Post | |
June 19 | Life | |
July 22 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'If You Have This Commanding Character...' 'Are You
This Type...Full of Eager Energy.' (Man Reading Vacation Pamphlet)
August | American | General Motors | 'Just a Minute, Young Feller... I'll Figure the Finance Costs
August 12 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'Have You These Features of a Discerning Type?'
(Portrait of a Man with Blindfold)
August 26 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries | 'If You Have This Happy Nature...' (Man Holding Mint
September 9 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'If You Have This Happy Nature...' (Man Holding
Mint Julep)
October 31 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries | 'If You Are the Type Bound to Go Places' (Man
Studying Train Ticket)
November 9 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'If You Are the Type Bound to Go Places...' (Man
Studying Train Ticket)
November 18 | Liberty | Schenley Distilleries | 'If You're This Highspirited, Vivacious Type...'
(Cheering Football Fan)
December 2 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries | 'If You're This Highspirited, Vivacious Type...'
(Cheering Football Fan)
December 23 | Collier's | Schenley Distilleries |
'A Grand Present to Give, A Grand Present to
Receive' (Portrait of Man with Christmas Gift)
December 23 | Liberty | |
Recommended Reading
Norman Rockwell Art News Blog Norman Rockwell Art News Blog keeps you up to date on new additions to Best-Norman-Rockwell-Art.com and items of interest for collectors.
Search Best-Norman-Rockwell-Art.com Use Google to search Best-Norman-Rockwell-Art.com.
Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms Series From The Saturday Evening Post Norman Rockwell's Four Freedoms series in The Saturday Evening Post in 1943 inspired America during World War II.
Comprehensive List and Image Archive of Norman Rockwell Magazine Cover Art A complete list of Norman Rockwell magazine covers starts in 1913 with Boy's Life and ends in 1980.
Comprehensive List and Image Archive of Norman Rockwell Magazine Cover Art, 1918 to 1919 A complete list of Norman Rockwell magazine covers, part 2, starts in 1918 and continues through 1919.
Comprehensive Listand Image Archive of Norman Rockwell Magazine Cover Art, 1920 to 1921 A complete list of Norman Rockwell magazine covers, part 3, starts in 1920 and continues through 1921.
Comprehensive Listand Image Archive of Norman Rockwell Magazine Cover Art, 1922 to 1923 A complete list of Norman Rockwell magazine covers, part 4, starts in 1922 and continues through 1923.
Comprehensive List of Norman Rockwell Magazine Cover Art, 1924 to 1939 A complete list of Norman Rockwell magazine covers, part 5, starts in 1923 and continues through 1939.
Comprehensive List of Norman Rockwell Magazine Cover Art, 1940 to 1980 A complete list of Norman Rockwell magazine covers, part 6, starts in 1940 and continues through 1980.
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Norman Rockwell Art Featured on The Cover of The Literary Digest Norman Rockwell art appeared regularly on the cover and inside pages of The Literary Digest. Read and see the whole story here.
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Norman Rockwell Biography, page one, 1894 to 1917 Norman Rockwell Biography.
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Norman Rockwell Quotes:
I'll never have enough time to paint all the pictures I'd like to.
No man with a conscience can just bat out illustrations. He's got to put all his talent and feeling into them!
Some people have been kind enough to call me a fine artist. I've always called myself an illustrator. I'm not sure what the difference is. All I know is that whatever type of work I do, I try to give it my very best. Art has been my life.
Right from the beginning, I always strived to capture everything I saw as completely as possible.
The secret to so many artists living so long is that every painting is a new adventure. So, you see, they're always looking ahead to something new and exciting. The secret is not to look back.
I can take a lot of pats on the back. I love it when I get admiring letters from people. And, of course, I'd love it if the critics would notice me, too.
You must first spend some time getting your model to relax. Then you'll get a natural expression.
More at BrainyQuote.
Rockwell Favorites
Norman Rockwell Christmas and Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving Galleries are open.