. In that famous and stirring speech, Roosevelt enumerated four basic freedoms to which every person was entitled.
The first was freedom of speech. Second was freedom to worship. Third was freedom from want. Fourth was freedom from fear.
The images and articles were presented in The Saturday Evening Post in the same order as President Roosevelt presented them in his speech.
Norman Rockwell's Freedom from Want:
The Thanksgiving Feast
Freedom from Want is one of Norman Rockwell's best loved and most recognized compositions.
Rockwell fussed over this cover a long time before he completed it. He was very concerned that it would convey the idea of overabundance instead of his intended freedom from want that was eloquently spoken in Roosevelt's speech.
Mrs. Thaddeus Wheaton, the Rockwell family cook, was actually the model for the grandmother serving the turkey. Rockwell was known for using friends and family in his paintings.
I painted the turkey in Freedom From Want on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Wheaton, our cook, cooked it, I painted it and we ate it. -Norman Rockwell
Examining this painting, we see a large family gathered around their table for a feast. We presume the occaison is Thanksgiving because of the huge turkey being served. Both the good china and the good silver are on the table.
Children and grandchildren, conversing happily with each other, populate the holiday table on both sides. Grandpa is at the head of the table and has his carving tools ready to slice and serve the mouth-watering bird.
Grandma is placing the turkey in its place. She is still wearing her apron, lest some succulent juices spill and ruin her dress. The turkey appears to be cooked to perfection.
The table extends past the bottom of the canvas, giving the perception that the viewer is actually at the table. The gentleman in the lower right corner of the painting seems to be inviting us to join in the feast.
Norman Rockwell's painting, in addition to invoking emotions associated with family, also induces hunger. It may be time for a sandwich. A turkey sandwich.
This picture was also printed on Office of War Information poster OWI Poster Number 45 O-511886.
The captions on the original war poster read as follows: "OURS... to fight for " above and "FREEDOM FROM WANT" underneath the illustration.